Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Islands of Cape Cod

The time is now fast approaching where I draw up the anchor. And set sail for a brand new adventure. Venturing out into this big beautiful world we live on.

This time my destination are the islands of Cape Cod. The two main islands located off of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Are Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Island. These tranquil and beautiful islands are located about 100 miles or 160 KM, south-east of the city of Boston.

I had a choice for this trip. I could have flown to Boston and rented a car. Then just toured the Cape Cod area. My decsion was to fly directly to Martha's Vineyard and spend 4 days on Martha's Vineyard and 4 days on Nantucket Island.

This way I have avoided renting a car for this trip. I will rent a bike and use public transit on both islands. I am avoiding peak tour season by visiting the islands in early June. I may be missing out on the best weather. But I am missing the overcrowding that these idyllic islands experience during July and August.

My plan as always. Is to; relax, enjoy, eat great food, meet interesting and friendly people. To enjoy life to the max! I am starting to feel better already! Time to go and start packing!

I have posted the flags of both Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Island. Also a map of the Cape Cod area.

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