Today the weather turned wet. It rained all day. But I didn't care. After all I'm on vacation. Also I'm visiting another one of those places. Where you can only wish aloud. "Wouldn't I love to live here one day". Well I can appreciate the fact. That for one week of my life I am living here!!!!!!
The Oregon Coast is a well kept secret. Because it is one of the most beautiful and diverse places on our planet. Because of it's natural beauty, and because it is affectingly referred to as "The People Coast". The people that live in Oregon are not normal. If Oregon was part of Canada or any other political area. There would be condos and tacky resorts destroying the beauty of this natural treasure. However the people of Oregon passed a law that no one will ever own or build of their coast. There coast is to be enjoyed by the people who live here, and the people that come to visit. What a novel idea. Very well done Oregon. I will always be proud of you!!!!
Here are a few shots I took today, in the rain. Driving down "The People's Coast, from Garabaldi to Newport.
Looks foggy! Very cool!