Howard and I enjoyed a very nice breakfast at the Emerson Guest House, located in Vergennes. I can recommend anyone who wants to go on a great Vermont vacation. To try and stay in the Bed and Breakfast places scattered around Vermont. Today's breakfast consisted of fresh fruit, homemade apple crisp, and homemade quiche. Thanks to Bill and Susan who do a great job, and make visitors feel very welcome in there great place.
Howard and I enjoyed a great scenic drive back north on route 7. We crossed through Burlington, on into Colchester, and crossed over the beautiful Vermont Islands. To get back to Rouses Point N.Y. From there Howard made the decision to head north along rout 15 up into Montreal and then we head west until we finally reached the 401.
The weather and traffic conditions were excellent. Howard did all the driving back to his home. We made excellent time. We reached Howard's home at 6:15. I quickly loaded all of my belongings into my car and was on my way back to Brampton. I reached home by just after 7 PM.
Thanks! I would like to thank long time great friend Howard S. for coming along with me on my 4th trip to visit Vermont. It was great to have a chance to holiday with such a great friend. He was excellent company, and really made this trip possible. As do to my heath problems I experience on this trip. It would have been a real tough go with out him.
Also I would like to thank Mother Nature. This fine lady has always looked out for me, every time I take to the open road. Frankly the weather forecast looked mighty grime. When Howard and I ventured into the Green Mountains. However things turned around quickly, and overall the fall weather conditions were excellent. Giving Howard and I the pleasure of enjoying the land of Green.
Thank you Vermont. I will never get tired of the pleasure of enjoying this enduring land of beauty. You truly have become a great friend of mine, and to anyone who ventures and explores your natures treasures that you possess. As the civilization crumbles around you. Your mountains remain Green, and your spirit remains high. You truly will always be a celebration of life.
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