Friday, June 14, 2013

Back On The Road!

The year 2013 has been a tough one thus far. As I have lost both my parents. My mom Charlotte passed away suddenly on the evening of January 11. My father Sheldon passed away on the morning of May 29th at the age of 91.
All the sadness and stress of having a loved one pass away can be quite devastating. I have remained strong though this whole ordeal. Trying to be more like my mom Charlotte who was always a pillar of strength facing adversity. My mom was always a positive and happy person.
Also the fact that my brother John and I were very lucky in the first place. To have great parents, who have given us such of a great life.
We will have to make it the rest of our journey though life now. Without there support and guidance. Life is always a challenge. To create happiness.
Lucky for me. I have enjoyed so much happy and exciting times. When I have ventured away from home. My trips have been a great part of my life. Through some of the sadness and stress of losing my parents. I quickly found myself. In some of the happy memories from my past. I remembered the joy of hiking on The Matterhorn in Switzerland. Walking down the Champs-Elysées in Paris, hiking on Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon, biking along the shores of Lake Champlain in Vermont!
As long as we are alive. We have to keep enjoying life. That is what we all must strive for. Tomorrow I leave on yet another adventure. Back to the Green Mountain State of Vermont. It will be my 8th trip in the past seven years. To enjoy living in "The Land of Green". I have nothing but praise for this beautiful and peaceful place. They say that home is your sanctuary. Well Vermont has become a sanctuary for me. I can't wait to see Lake Champlain again! And the opportunity to start to enjoy life again. I will see you soon Green Mountains!

I dedicate this Vermont trip. To the memory of my parents; Charlotte and Sheldon Wolfe. I can only hope. That where they both are now. Is as beautiful as the Green Mountain State!

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