After my farewell breakfast at the Polka Dot Dinner. It was time to leave White River Junction. And begin part two of Vermont trip number 5. I hit the road for the town of Warren, and my new digs at 9am.
The title of the post. You may find a little strange. But wait just a minute before you comment, and I will explain my title. Don't be sad. Travel and do a good job. And you will defiantly find that life can be fun and also very rewarding. Go mad. The meaning behind that comment it. Come and visit Vermont, and in this case the "Mad River Vally", and believe you me. You will never ever, ever, think about anything that comes close to be being sad.
Being in Vermont for me. Is like the character Andy Dufresne in the movie "Shawshank Redemption". If you have viewed this great movie. Then you know that Andy found redemption in life escaping from Shawshank Prison, and getting to enjoy life in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Well Vermont is truly my Zihuatanejo! The Green Mountains take away all of the pain, that life can dish your way.
Now for the details and a few pictures of my great day. I arrived at the Hostel Tevere at around 10:30 am. It is located right off of route 100, about 1 1/2 miles away from the small village of Warren.
I got organized as quickly as possible. Then rode my bike to Warren to have some lunch. In the town of Warren like most small rural Vermont villages. They have a general store. These stores usually sell; groceries, supplies, and include a restaurant. I enjoyed a very nice ham and cheese panini. It was delicious, and I washed it down with mango juice.
Then it was time to ride the Warren-Waitsfield bike trip. Distance for this journey would be a little more then 16 miles. I was more then ready for the challenge. That Vermont was ready to throw at me. After my lunch I rode my back back to the Hostel Tevere. Then I passed it, and follow Route 100 all the way to the village of Waitsfield. This part of the journey was easy. When I arrived in Waitsfield. I took time out to browse in two shops.
Then I turned right on The East warren Road. Just out of the village is there old covered bridge. Alot of these antique bridges have been restored and preserved all over the New England area. Then it was more of a challenging ride. As I ascended in sections. Moving south on The east warren Road. I took time out for a coffee break. As I brought along my mini alcohol burning camping stove. The weather at this point of the journey was beautiful and warm. A little too warm. As I started to feel a little uncomfortable wearing my Gore-Tex jacket. I had my coffee break near a round barn. Which is also very rare to have survived all of these years.
After my break. I continuing riding south. Still gaining altitude. Finally during the final section before I rode back into Warren. It was all downhill. Divided into two sections. No telling how fast I was travelling. But my guess is 35 to 40 MPH. What a feeling!!!!!!!!!
I rode back into Warren, and stopped at the General Store for a hot apple cider. Before riding back to the Hostel Tevere. To relax and enjoy a hot shower. I had dinner at at restaurant in Waitsfield. The restaurant was a combination cinema and eating establishment. My meal was good. But a bit pricey. Who cares, I'm on holidays in Vermont!!!!!!
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