Monday, February 16, 2009

A day to rest.

Today was a day to relax and to enjoy to life, like a Dutch person, and not like a tourist. I had an outing to Eindhoven. This day was to just take it easy and get my second wind for the remaining part of this holiday. The upcoming time spent in London. Will be hectic. So I want to be well prepared so I get the most enjoyment from my time there.

After breakfast and a shower. I walked to the train station in Best. This distance is about 3 KM, from Peter's home. Then I purchased a return train ticket to Eindhoven. On arriving in Eindhoven I did a walking tour. The tour ended when I reached the main shopping district in the city. By the time I reached the shopping district I had walked for another 4 or 5 KM. So I did have some decent exercise today. Good exercise is important during a trip. You can't enjoy all this wonderful food and drink, that Europe has to offer. Without burning off some calories. If I don't continue to exercise, I would quickly blow up like a balloon, with my healthy attitude on eating.

Lunch was another very good experience. I found a nice fast food restaurant called "Soho". It was Japanese food. I had a beef stir fry, served over noodles. I had a chance to rest, and enjoy a very nice meal. After lunch I did a shop for tonight's dinner. I purchased the ingredients for Donny's homemade Jewish chicken soup. Then I did the return trip back to Peter's home.

I prepared the chicken soup dinner, and enjoyed watching T.V. on Peter's newly aquired 37 inch LCD TV. I did enjoy the relaxing day, and the homemade dinner, did turn out well

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